Moativational Medicine
Intrigue and a gut feeling brought me to Moativational Medicine. This was heightened when learning of the philosophy and history behind its conception from its creator, Richard Moat.
I was captivated by the uniqueness, clarity and ease of understanding, and my scepticism soon dwindled. Such was my intellectual and intuitive sense about it that I decided to test what I had learnt from attending Richard’s 1-day introductory workshop for myself. To my amazement, the theory translated to practice and I needed no more convincing.
So taken was I by the ease, simplicity and profound nature of the changes in clients’ symptoms that I decided to engage Richard to mentor me in learning the entirety of his work.
Whilst I was keen to apply what I had learned with clients, I was also intrigued to find out if the philosophy, art, science, practice and principles that underpinned the approach could help me resolve my long-standing alopecia.
What I experienced went far beyond anything I could possibly have imagined. Within a very short period I noticed new follicles growing on my scalp and other unwanted symptoms – not discussed with Richard – started to fade and disappear. I have never looked back since.
In short, Moativational Medicine has changed my life, how I feel about myself, and how I behave in the world. My understanding of the causes of illness, my attitude when disease appears, and my ability to successfully treat all manner of unwanted ailments has increased exponentially.
There have been so many positive changes I never thought it would be possible for both my personal and professional life to transform as they have.
Amongst the many principles Moativational Medicine promotes, it is the one of empowering the client, making them part of the solution and teaching them how to live in a way that reduces the likelihood of health issues arising in the future, that moves me the most. It is an approach steeped in wisdom and honesty, one that is easy to integrate into any existing programme of health care.
I continue to be amazed by the changes in my patients’ lives thanks to Moativational Medicine, and am excited and passionate and proud to be able to bring it to my clients.
Find out more
call me or drop me an email if you’d like to experience Moativational Medicine for yourself…
“Carmel has made my life that bit easier, helping me release some of the deep seated fears I’ve been carrying around for years and using Motivational Medicine techniques to make my day to day stresses of life more manageable.”Carol
“I highly recommend Carmel to anyone suffering from depression or anxiety.When I first came to see her, my mind was a big pile of horse manure, with just a few flowers growing in it. Many therapies and self-help techniques tell you to think positive – focus on ‘smelling the flowers’. But that just isn’t possible when there are so many bad smelling things around.
Carmel’s techniques helped me to massively reduce years of negative thoughts and emotions stored up inside of me, leaving me freer to enjoy the good stuff. After a few months, everything is much easier, lighter and more comfortable.”Derek Cutler
“Motivational Medicine has completely changed my life.After three months, I can safely say my whole outlook on life has switched; I am aware of everything going on around me, and approach situations very differently.
I have the headspace to deal with what’s in front of me and now make decisions that I believe are right, for me. I used to suffer from insomnia which was down to the anxiety I was dealing with every day; I now go to bed feeling calm and wake up feeling positive. My focus with work has improved dramatically, I appreciate family life and good friendships so much more, and I am mindful of surrounding myself with the right people.”
I cannot thank Carmel enough, for leading me down the right path and helping me to appreciate the good things in life, of which there are many.”Jo Howe
“I can honestly say I feel Carmel saved my life, I know what a huge statement that is however I was almost at the point of no return when I first saw her, suffering from chronic lower back pain progressing to severe right leg pain. I felt completely controlled by the pain, it had consumed my whole life. I was on a cocktail of drugs, had a pain block injection and was scheduled to have back surgery as the scan showed a prolapsed disc with nerve damage. I had seen so many medical professionals previously that either told me they couldn’t help me anymore or continued to take my money without my health improving.Carmel never gave up on me, if one thing didn’t work as well as she thought it should, she would try something different, in my case it was the Moativational Medicine approach that made all the difference.
She is a very caring, compassionate person and excellent in her field, I would, and have highly recommended her to anyone and everyone. People that know me are amazed at the progress I made and did not have an operation. In life, if you go into anything with an open mind you will be amazed at what can be achieved.
Thank you for everything Carmel.
Caron Bunclark